Meet Trinity, a spirited young designer with a passion for creating spaces that seamlessly blend aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability. Trinity is dedicated to delivering design solutions that not only delight clients but also benefit the environment.
Driven by a genuine love for interior design, Trinity thrives on the exciting challenges of transforming spaces into captivating experiences. She possesses a keen eye for detail and a natural talent for harmonizing materials, colors, and textures to craft unique and inspiring environments.

Equipped with a deep commitment to sustainability, Trinity approaches every project with an eco-conscious mindset. Her focus on incorporating environmentally friendly elements and practices allows her to design spaces that minimize their ecological footprint while enhancing the user's well-being.

Trinity's creativity knows no bounds when it comes to playing with materials and color. Whether it's experimenting with unconventional textures or orchestrating a symphony of hues, she is adept at bringing out the personality of a space through thoughtful and imaginative design choices.

“Less is more.”

- Trinity Meyer


Amanda Jou


Ariadne Kaptur