Meet Amanda, a first generation Chinese American who loves embracing the excitement of the design world. Always pulling in different cultural aspects and finding the details in the small things, she designs with an open and flexible mind. She enjoys molding designs into finished products with a nod to sustainability and innovation. The future is being created today and influencing the path we are on is very important to her. Inspiration is often drawn from her travels whether it be a natural wonder, food, or architecture.

Outside of design, her passions lie with animal rescue. An avid advocate of fostering and adoption, she spends her time finding homes for furry four legged friends. You can also find her in the mountains whether it is camping in the summer or snowboarding in the winter, reveling in an active lifestyle.

"Always try the odd food, walk the unknown path, get the second round, and enjoy life while you're at it." - Amanda Jou


Jennifer Henry


Trinity Meyer