"Come As You Are" is the motto at this bad ass female co-working space.
Our client, Bryn Carter, had a strong concept for a local female only co-working space. Charley Co. is a space for women to work in a supportive and growth-oriented environment with a “come as you are” focus. The location is in a former local bank, tucked away inside The Source Markethall. The existing space was raw and rough, concrete, exposed steel studs, and fluorescent tube lights. Bryn’s vision was a space that felt woman-centric, soft, creative, and bit in-your-face. She wanted a female design team and to incorporate a number of talented female artists. The program included a hair and nail salon, space for guest speakers and pop-up fitness, and several open workspaces, offices, and conference rooms.
Location: Denver, CO
Completed: 2020